Saturday, August 31, 2019

India Government Essay

Imperialism began in India in the 1600s with the introduction of the East India Trade Company who placed trading posts at Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta. (British Imperialism in India, 2014). Prior to the arrival of EITC, the Mughal Empire was a larger and more powerful kingdom than any other country in Europe. The center of the Mughal Empire was in poorly populated northern region, the soil and river system in this area was perfect for farming, transporting and communicating. (A Case Study of British Imperialism in India, 2014). For some time, the EITC and Mughal were able to work cohesively together, but by 1707 the Mughal Empire had begun to crumble, and in 1757 Robert Clive, in alliance with the French, led troops to a victory over Indian forces at the Battle of Plassey. This made way for the EITC to become the primary power in India. (British Imperialism in India, 2014). The East India Trade Company grew quickly, with little interference from the British government, having its own army called sepoys comprised of both Indian and British soldiers. India was considered the jewel in the crown due in part to the skills of its people and its vast producing land. Cotton cloth and raw silk winding were in high demand for the company to export, as well as sugar, indigo dye and opium. (Marshall, 2014). The EITC used religious force and economic power to take and maintain control of India. Demanding that Indian textile not be in competition with British goods and cash crops for the farmers. This in turn forced the indigenous people to experience economical loss and inability to feed themselves. Britain had taken a stand-off approach with Indian religion, but many felt that Indian customs were compromised with the increase in missionaries and racist attitude towards India’s way of life. By 1857, there was ever increasing unhappiness, leading to a mutiny among the Sepoy. The Sepoy army were instructed to use rifle cartridges that were greased with pig or cow fat. Because the ends of the cartridges needed to be bitten off before using, this was offensive to the Sepoy army, whose population was either Hindu or Muslim. Muslim belief is that pigs are unclean and Hindu whose belief is that cows are sacred. (Anderson, 2007).  The Sepoy mutiny gave way to a new British government in India called Raj, who ruled Indian until 1947. (British Imperialism in India, 2014). Part B Violent Revolution: American Revolution The American Revolution was brought about by unhappy colonist who were against British taxes and sought independence from British rule. After winning the French and Indian War, King George II began to impose taxes on goods such as sugar and molasses that were brought in to the colonies with the Sugar Act of 1764. The Stamp Act (1765), required an official stamp on most transactions of colonial businesses. The colonist, unhappy with the taxes, and feeling that the British Parliament was corrupt, began to speak out against the taxes, labeling the taxes as illegal because the people of the colonies were not represented in the British Parliament. â€Å"No taxation without representation† was the cry of the colonies, to which the Parliament replied with a new tax, the Townshend Act (1777), applied taxes to all imported glass, lead, paint, paper and tea. (American Revolution, 2014). The colonist, unhappy with the taxes, began to speak out against the taxes, labeling the taxes as illegal, because the colonies were not represented in the British Parliament. Refusal to pay the Kings taxes lead the colonist to form a club called the Sons of Liberty. Members of the club broke into tax collectors homes, beat them and burned tax bills. In 1770, a battle between the colonists and British soldiers took place in Boston, Massachusetts, known as the Boston Massacre, killing 5 colonists and injuring many more. Two British soldiers were found guilty of murder and punished only by having their thumbs burned. (The American Revolution , 2014). On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson was approved, showing England that America would become a free, independent county of British rule. (The American Revolution , 2014). Non Violent Revolution: Indian Independence Movement The cause of The Indian Independence Movement grew out of a nation in search of a way to free itself from British power and control. The goal of The Indian National Congress was to gain and maintain independence from the British forces. The Indian National Congress formed and held its first meeting in 1885, one of those in attendance was Mahatma Gandhi, who would  become the leader of the group. At first, the NIC professed loyalty to the British, but with World War 1 breaking out in 1914 and lasting until 1920, the NIC gradually became an opponent the British government. As the tolerance or the British decreased, the Indians strength increased. Indians began to realize that the British were not such a force to be reckoned with. (Indian Independence Movement, 2014). B1. Strategy Battles between the colonies and the British were full of conventional warfare and guerrilla warfare. Guerrilla warfare consists of spontaneous, individual acts of sabotage. Francis Marion, the â€Å"Swamp Fox† used guerilla warfare against the British, using bands of troops in caring size to prevent the British from gathering supplies, and harassing the small outposts and forts. (Joes, 1996). The INC, under the leadership of Gandhi conducted major campaigns to draw attention to Indians human and civil rights. Civil disobedience in the form of a non-violent protests and marches were formed. The Civil Disobedience Campaign of 1919-1922 was a boycott of British cloth, The Salt Satyagraha, a non-violent protest against the tax applied to salt. Gandhi was arrested by the British, who thought it would stop the movement, however it only increased in participants and forced the British government to discuss the possibility of Indian independence. (The Indian Independence Struggle , 2014). References A Case Study of British Imperialism in India. (2014, July 13). Retrieved from Modern World History: American Revolution. (2014, July 16). Retrieved from Anderson, C. (2007). Indian Uprising of 1857-8 : Prisons, Prisoners, and Rebellion. In C. Anderson, Indian Uprising of 1857-8 : Prisons, Prisoners, and Rebellion (p.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis on Thoreau’s Walden-Chapter33

Rhetorical Analysis-â€Å"Reading† in Walden Walden is a personal essay of Henry David Thoreau, as he goes into wood and writes his personal experiences by immersing himself in nature. By detaching himself from the society, Thoreau tried to gain a more objective understanding of society through personal introspection. His thoughts of understanding society or finding the â€Å"truth† are discussed on the third chapter â€Å"Reading. † This chapter constitutes a description of what Thoreau has gained from reading and an exhortation that the reader should seek for the vein of spiritual truth.Thoreau discusses the benefits of classical literature then argues that people of Concord should focus on adult’s education. He moans that most of the educated men in Concord disregard the classics of English literature and argues that townspeople should have spent money on building Lyceum instead of a townhouse. By using dichotomies, Thoreau differentiates himself from t he townspeople, and then he strengthens his argument by deifying the work of great poets.Thoreau’s studying of classical literature or his attempt to find the truths is prevalent in chapter â€Å"Reading†, but his thoughts are especially well-presented in the first paragraph of the chapter. Thoreau begins his paragraph with personal thoughts saying if men were more deliberate in choosing their pursuits, they would all become â€Å"students† and observers,† because that it is in their â€Å"nature† and â€Å"destiny. † By choosing scientific words, such as â€Å"observers†, â€Å"students†, and â€Å"nature† to describe his personal thoughts, Thoreau risks charges of elitism.Science is a study of nature and it is based on observation and experiment, whereas philosophy and literature is a study based on personal thoughts and insights. This is contrast to what other most writers argue. Most other writers and philosophers arg ue that while it is possible to think we know the truth in a situation, it is impossible to be certain. Since we cannot be certain of the truth, it is very difficult or even impossible to define what the â€Å"truth† is.However by stating that literature and philosophy can be answered in a definite way like science, Thoreau implicitly tells the readers that he is following the â€Å"right† track as other great poets have followed. This elitism is recurrent throughout in Walden, as he states the difference between great literature and the common reader later in this chapter. Thoreau contemplates that most people learn to read only for convenience and they are only satisfied with one great book, the Bible. He even ridicules the townspeople by comparing them to four years old children with a copy of Cinderella.It is possible that Thoreau purposely used the techniques in a planned way. If Thoreau had bluntly blamed the educated man in Concord from the beginning, his reader s, whom are mostly likely educated men from Concord or elsewhere, would have undoubtedly been offended. On the next sentence, Thoreau continues his assertion by introducing the theme of immortality through literature. Once again, he defies the work of great poets by stating that â€Å"we are mortal, †¦ but in dealing with truth, we are immortal. †(94, Thoreau) Thoreau implies that by writing or publishing great works, one can achieve immortality with his work.To further understand Thoreau’s concept on mortality, one must understand his background first. Walden was written in1845, three years after his beloved brother John, an amateur ornithologist. Suffering from his brother’s loss, Thoreau went to woods and started his career as a writer by writing Walden. Faced with the death of his brother, Thoreau probably needed to find an answer for mortality and Walden is his attempt to immortalize himself through writing. Continuing from mortality, Thoreau uses anot her metaphor, divinity. Thoreau mentions about Egyptian and Hindu philosophers and their divinity.It is interesting to see that Thoreau uses other religions, instead of using Christianity. It was written in mid-nineteenth century, and the traditional Christian beliefs were starting to crumble. Thoreau, coming from New England where Puritan religion is prevalent, would of course be familiar with Christianity and Bible. Other evidences in this paragraph also suggest that Thoreau was affected by this. As I mentioned on the last paragraph, Thoreau mentions about immortality and afterlife, which cannot be achieved in Christianity.Another example is the use of word â€Å"veil† in this paragraph. Throeau states â€Å"still the trembling robe remains raised, and I gaze upon as fresh a glory as he did. †(94, Thoreau) When people first think of Veil in religion, most people would think of Muslim women wearing hijabs, but considering that this was written in mid-nineteenth centur y, Thoreau probably was not considering Muslim. In fact, covering the hair is also religious commandment for Christian Women and it was meant to shield women’s hair from eyes of sinful men.Human beings can only perceive the divine through their senses in Christianity belief, while Thoreau, as a transcendentalist, suggests a more spiritual way to connect with divine by reading great literature. Thoreau then concludes this paragraph with a resemblance statement of great literature’s immortality. He says â€Å"That time which we really improve, or which is improvable, is neither past, present, nor future. †(94,Thoreau) Again he mentions immortality of the great literature and he is stating that these works are the â€Å"truth. Thoreau does not contemplate townspeople in this paragraph as much as the rest of chapter. Instead he focuses praising the great poets and even defies their work. This is part of his effort to convince readers his argument before he can crit icize other townspeople. By doing this, he wishes for townspeople to become more educated. He wishes that Concord spend money on arts and education as patrons in European nobles, but only finds that townspeople are spending money on farming and trade. By using dichotomy between townspeople and the great poets, he successfully distinguishes himself from townspeople.Then by using metaphors and comparison with Christianity, Thoreau asserts his opinion on education and tells his thoughts on finding the â€Å"truth. † By boldly putting himself to the same position as the other great poets, Thoreau successfully shows his strong will on reforming education. Yet, he risks his essay for elitism by simply stating that townspeople don’t care much about the literature and thus must be not interested in finding the truth. ? Work cited. 1. Henry David Thoreau, Walden. New York: The Modern Library, 1992. Print. 2. Walden Pond state Reservation

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Descartes’ Philosophy Essay

Rene Descartes is one of the most distinct rationalists of the modern period who boldly claim that knowledge can be achieved through reason. He suggested that in the pursuit of knowledge one should be able to distinguish that which is true and that which is not true. This opens the idea towards his criticisms against experience as a source of knowledge. Experience, as Descartes puts it, cannot be trusted to produce genuine knowledge because experience can deceive a person (Heyward & Jones). It is a fact that experience comes from the external environment derived by the sensory organs (e.g. eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue). These sensory organs are deceptive in such a way that it can generate ideas that are not really existing or happening. Because of this fallibility of experience, Descartes argues that it cannot arrive at true knowledge. In effect, Descartes suggests that in order to obtain genuine knowledge, one should suspend his judgment on things that he or she perceives unless those things are proven to be certain and indubitable. With this method he called his pursuit of knowledge as the Methodic Doubt (Heyward & Jones). Discourse on Method In his Discourse on Method, he gives four laws which guide the person from pursuing the genuine knowledge (Heyward & Jones). The first law states that one should not admit anything as true that is not clearly and lucidly comprehended by reason. As he claims, truthfulness of an idea is based on it’s the clarity which is examined by reason. Reason tells which ideas are clear and generated by distinct intuitions. Having this law, he proceeds to the second and third laws. The second law suggests that because the mind can absorb complex ideas, these complex ideas should be able to transform to simple ideas that can be intuitively analyzed by reason. This emphasizes that simple ideas are the only ideas that reason can recognize such that complex ideas should be breakdown to simpler ideas in order for the reason to understand it clearly and distinctly. While the second law appears to be the analysis of the ideas, the third law is the synthesis of the ideas which attempts to figure out the connection and relationship among different ideas that are presented in the mind. This synthesis enables the mind to sort out ideas, and abstract them to arrive at conclusions, generalizations and judgments. The fourth and the final law suggests that the use of induction and deduction assures the achievement of knowledge since the ideas derived through induction and deduction are clearly and distinctly recognized by reason (being represented in simple ideas). Method of Doubt The discussion on the laws given above is essential in discussing Descartes’ Method of Doubt. As emphasized by the laws, ideas in order to serve as knowledge should be strongly recognized by reason in a sense that the reason cannot deny them at all. Hence, his Method of Doubt functions so as to arrive at certainty – that which cannot be doubted or denied by reason (Heyward & Jones). His method is different from the method used by the skeptics in such a way that the latter suspends their judgments only for the sake of doubt while the former suspends judgment for the achievement of certitude. As mentioned earlier, one should come up with a starting point which can be clearly recognized by reason and that which cannot be doubted. Descartes arrives at a conclusion that the thing that cannot be doubted by reason is the fact that one cannot doubt his existence. This is for the reason that if one is on the stage of doubting, it is certainly that he is thinking, and that thinking implies that there is something or someone who or which does the act of thinking. Hence, the thinking-thing exists. And that thinking-thing is, as Descartes put sit, â€Å"I.† Therefore, that which cannot be doubted is the fact that a thinking-thing exists (I think therefore I am [existing]) (Heyward & Jones). On God’s Existence As Descartes recognizes that one can be deceived by experience, such implies that there is true and false belief. This false beliefs which come into the mind as ideas are not caused by God for Descartes. For him, God is the most perfect entity that which cannot be doubted and that which cannot cause doubt. Hence, God is that which is certain and that which causes certainty that is why he cannot inflict deception (Still). The existence of simple, clear, and distinct ideas is the manifestation of the existence of the most perfect being that which is absolute and certain that is God. Therefore, God exists (He causes the most clear and distinct simple ideas which make up the certainty of things and ideas). Furthermore, Descartes advocates the idea that there are innate ideas. These innate ideas are not cause by the thinking-thing which is first established by him as that which cannot be doubted anymore. And those ideas have objective reality which is not influenced and caused by the thinking-thing; it appears then that there is actually another thing that certainly exists which caused the ideas absorbed by the thinking thing. And this thing that which exists prior to my existence is something which is absolute and the most certain of all certain things and ideas. As Descartes puts it, it is God. Another way of proving God’s existence is the idea of perfect and less perfect. As the thinking-thing is obligated to doubt so as to arrive at genuine knowledge, it implies that he is exposed to deception caused by the fallibility of the experience. And since the thinking-thing cannot discern all things with certainty it follows then that his power is limited. But the concept of perfection implies certain and absolute attributes (Still). As the thinking-thing recognizes the concept of perfection and his being an inferior and thus imperfect being, he concludes that there is something which is superior and that which is perfect, certain and absolute – that is God. Evaluation of Descartes Arguments on Knowledge Descartes is correct in saying that the mind can only and intuitively recognize simple ideas that are represented in the mind with perfect clarity and distinctiveness. He is also correct in saying that our sense perception can be deceived (e.g. optic illusions, the bending of the pen when submerged in water, etc.). And finally, he has a good point in saying that the foundation or the most fundamental thing or idea that is indubitable or cannot be doubted is the fact that the thinking-thing exists which does the doubting. However, his account on the existence of God and the innate ideas that he advocates are questionable in a way that they leave controversy and uncertainty. He equated the thing that causes the simple, clear and distinct ideas to God as well as the bearer of the attribute of being perfect. Being perfect, God is not caused by anything other than himself. But the mind is in fact the creator of such entity. If God is perfect how can be that he is not visible or perceptible to us? It is not enough to say that we are imperfect that is why we cannot perceive him. How can it happen that something which is perfect does not have a corporeal body, which the imperfect entities have? As a perfect being he should possess all the qualities that even the mere imperfect entities have. Works Cited Heyward, Jeremy and Jones, Gerald. Meditations: Rene Descartes. Hodder Murray, 2005. Still, James. â€Å"Descartes’ Meditations Ontological Argument.† 30 November 2005. Internet Infidels. 08 November 2007

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Measures and Scale Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Measures and Scale - Statistics Project Example Various tests have been employed to determine if the regression model is satisfactory. The model is said to be satisfactory, if the estimated regression equation can predict the value of the dependent variable given values for the independent variables. The relationship between these two measures is that they analyze the extent to which variables are related. However, these two do not assess cause and effect. Stress is part of normal life though too much stress can cause emotional, psychological and physical problems such as heart disease, irregular heart, chest pains and high blood pressure (Quinn & Keough, 2002). Our main concern is to study the relationship between stress and high blood pressure. We want to ascertain whether medical researchers are right with regard to stress causing high blood pressure. Let us determine the relationship of these two by using a sample of 20 patients who had their stress test score and blood readings taken. Regression and correlation is used in ascertaining the relationship as shown below: From the above workings in the table, the correlation coefficient is one. Therefore, the relationship between stress and blood pressure is a linear one. This simply means that when stress levels increase, the blood pressure also increases. The regression model is determined is fit as we were able to predict the values of blood pressure at given levels of stress. The correlation is +1, therefore a relationship which is linear exists between BMI and birth weight. Using regression analysis, it will be not possible to predict the birth weight given the BMI because the model is Ã… · =

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


CRITIQUE OF EARLY CHRISTIAN TEXT-- --POLYCARP'S LETTER TO THE PHILIPPIANS - Essay Example The date of the Letter is hardly satisfactorily determined; often scientists take as the reference point martyrdom of Polycarp (Palmer 3). The texts written in this period (late 1st and early 2nd centuries) have been influenced in more or less grade Jewish motifs that â€Å"pervaded Christian thinking and practice at this primitive stage† (Patristic literature). The Holy Spirit even in extremely bias translations saves all the major doctrines. In every way it leads the person to Jesus. There are several translations of the Epistle of Polycarp and each of them has something to convey and bring (Church History 39). The doubts against the authenticity of it, especially the last chapters, surviving only in the ancient Latin text, cannot be considered thoroughly, because critics did not want to accept the message of Polycarp in its full form as it contained the words about the letters of Ignatius Antioch. The Epistle to the Philippians was written shortly after the death of St. Ignatius. It was caused by a petition to the Christians of the city Philip of habeas letters of Ignatius to Polycarp and other Christians, what he had, to them. Fulfilling their request, the Bishop of Smyrna gives them a number of Christian teachings, warns against the heretics, tells the responsibilities of presbyters and deacons, men and virgins, spouses and widows, he convinces to avoid covetousness, to practice praying and fasting, and instills patience and love for enemies. For a long time the Greek text of the Polycarp`s Letter contained first only 9 chapters and the remaining 5 chapters were preserved in the ancient Latin translation. So from the point of view of contemporary scholars they could be placed to a category of Jewish-Christian literature. Polycarp`s letter is a sign of growing awareness of the traditions of Christianity. His letter is also supplemented with verses from the New Testament: â€Å"The strong root

Monday, August 26, 2019

Macro econoics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Macro econoics - Essay Example Local small business owners will also be happy because it will attract tourists. These tourists will play a significant role in increasing the sales of small business owners and therefore they will appreciate the plans for rebuilding World Trade Center. Rich landowners will also benefit from the rebuilding of World Trade Center because it will increase the property prices of the whole area. Especially land which is near the World Trade Center will become extremely valuable and therefore rich landowners will benefit from World Trade Center. Property prices of commercial areas in the region will also go up because many businesses will end up in the region. World Trade Center was a business hub which was why it was so famous and many businesses operated in the region. This makes property extremely attractive from the commercial point of view and therefore rich landowners will benefit greatly from the rebuilding of World Trade Center. Labor unions will also be happy because rebuilding of World Trade Center will generate employment. The building of World Trade Center will require services of all kinds of labor and therefore employment opportunities will be immense. Also after the rebuilding of World Trade Center hiring will increase in the region which will again benefit the labor unions significantly. The current situation employment in the country is not very good and therefore plans for rebuilding of World Trade Center will be taken with great joy by the labor unions of the region. Former residents would also like the plans for rebuilding of World Trade Center because it will allow them to restart their operations. Former residents will also hope that they will get office space in the new World Trade Center on concessional rates. Also it is important for a business to locate itself in a geographical location that benefits its business interests. Former residents had established their business in the World Trade Center and therefore would like to continue

Tuberculosis within Immigrants Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tuberculosis within Immigrants - Research Paper Example There is no Hypothesis formulated as such. It is a retrospective cohort analysis which gives a summary of the trends. It postulates though that studies of this nature would help in postulating the as yet not known causes of such persistent incidence besides the reactivation of old infections and disease spread by normal transmission. The authors include Annelies M Vos who is the first author, a PhD candidate at Erasmus MC at Rotterdam accompanied by Abraham Meima. On further research it is found that this is the first publication of Ms.Annelies whereas Abrahm Meima has done substantial work on Leprosy which could be discovered at (1) Another co-author Vivian Bos has worked on mortality in various socio-economic and ethnic groups in Netherlands. Borgdorff is associated with the KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation and has many publications regarding the etiology and epidemiology of Tuberculosis to credit. Research sample included incident cases of tuberculosis which occurred more than six months after immigration so as to completely exclude the prevalent cases. According to the statistics mentioned, immigrant population formed a whopping 1/8th of the total population of Netherlands. Data was obtained from standard sources thus ascertaining its authenticity. The period of data collection was four years that between 1996-2000. The study combines "data on all immigrant patients in whom tuberculosis was detected and all legal immigrants present in a 5-year period in a low incidence country, enabling detailed analysis with a long follow-up period" as quoted by the author. Thus the representativeness of the sample is strong as it includes all the incident cases. There was no scope for random allocation in this study as the cohort was defined by including all the cases. Bias was however excluded by not directly comparing the data obtained from Organisation of Asylum Seekers (COA) and from M unicipal Population Registrars (GBA). Also bias in the missing values of country of origin and time since migration was avoided by multiple imputation and substitution of values by average in the datasets. The sample size was 2661 patients whichis actually the entire affected population. Observations include highest rate of incidence among African immigrants especially Somalis. While Somalis had an incidence rate of 379/100,000, the indigenous population had only 3/100,000. Univariate and multivariate poisson regression is used as a tool which enables a log-linear transition and allows to get a large sample size data on a linear scale. As mentioned, only 42% showed lower incidence rates 9.5-19.4 years after immigration. Children showed lower incidence of infection. "In univariate analysis, incidence rate ratios in adults decreased with age, whereas in multivariate analysis the oldest age group had an increased risk." This is a problem of confounding. In confounding the exposed/infected population is compared to a substitute population which is not totally representative. Thus as shown by the author itself, off the African immigrants, older generation formed a small population which too had migrated recently. Thus the study discusses that pulmonary tuberculosis is highly incident inpopulations even a decade after migration which is consistent with previous works published on the same matter. The author has put forth various reasons for persisted incidence and no sharp decline after immigration.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Calculate and interpret financial ratios from financial statements Essay

Calculate and interpret financial ratios from financial statements - Essay Example In addition, you can use these ratios to compare the performance of your company against that of your competitors or other members of your industry. (Alex Auerbach) When you take profit before tax or interest (EBIT) and divide it by the difference between total assets and current liabilities, you can get a financial ratio known as return on capital employed ratio or ROCE. It is a ratio that shows the companys capital investments’ profitability and efficiency. The ROCE ratio is a measure of how well a company is using capital to generate income. A high ROCE is a sign or a successful growth company and indicates that a larger mass of proceeds can be reinvested to gain more profit. However; one year ROCE evaluation should not be the basis for reinvesting. Investors should look closely on the trend over several years to have consistency. A sudden decline in ROCE signals a loss of competitive advantage. Asset Turnover Ratio specifies the connection between assets and revenue (Revenue/Total assets). It gauges a company’s efficiency in using its resources in making sales. A higher asset Turnover is better. It also specifies pricing strategy: companies with low profit margins are inclined to have high asset turnover, whereas those with high profit margins tend to have low asset turnover. This ratio is important to settle on the amount of sales that are produced from each dollar of assets. To evaluate a companys operational efficiency, return on sales ratio is used. ROS is also recognized as a company’s â€Å"operating profit margin". It is calculated using this formula: Net Income before interest and tax divided by sales. Investopedia says â€Å"This measure is helpful to management, providing insight into how much profit is being produced per dollar of sales. As with many ratios, it is best to compare a companys ROS over time to look for trends, and compare it to other companies in the industry. An increasing ROS indicates the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Describe the methods used to calculate value added. How does value Essay - 2

Describe the methods used to calculate value added. How does value added contribute towards understanding the connections betwe - Essay Example Labor expenses also include all the salaries that are given in the form of cash to each and every employee of the organization2. All the outflows of cash in form of cash, assets, materials and wages are inculcated in labor expenses. The rest of the labor expenses include the extra money that is given by the organization if the employees are working on over time or in the form of extra working hours. This is necessary because each hand every hour that they are spending on the organization is also in turn being proved to be productive for the overall organizational perspective. The second component refers to all the capital generated in the form of cash or other items, this capital is the result of all work force and all the investments that are exhausted in the work machinery for generate the capital for the profit of the company. The result of the sum of both the factors yield something that can give a competitor’s advantage to an organization as value added has an alluring ef fect of giving performance more than expected. Value added includes those results, services or usage of the products that are beyond expectations of a client in the positive sense and this also increase the overall value of the services and goodwill of the company among the customers to increase revenue generation.3 A very important and mostly deployed method to calculate economic value added is as follows Economic value added = Current performance – base performance The current performance is the economic value added figures that will be used from the time period that is most recent or in which we are interested to calculate the value added. The company’s figures for all the years are written in tabular format and then a base line is selected. The base line refers to the standard year or time period from which the economic value added of the most recent time period will be compared. The comparison is mostly done in the form of ration and then it is calculated that wha t the current economic value of the company is. If the current performance is high then automatically then resultant factor will be high and we will say that the company us improving in the terms of value added services. If the resultant factor is zero then it means that there is no progress but there is no loss as well. The company should pay heed to cut the sunk costs in this case because the EVA must rise with every time period in order to gain profit and produce productive results. If the EVA factor is negative then this means that there is a serious problem in value added services of the company and there should be revision in policies to decrease the loss of the values of the products. The other method to calculate value added is to estimate the current overall costs that are being dissipated and squandered in the production of the products. After the careful estimation of costs, different measures must be taken in order to minimize the costs so that they overall production st eps cannot be effected badly for example the administration of a company can cut off the extra charges of transportation or they can reduce the work force from their company by introducing different automated system in their work environment. This will reduce the extra costs from the working environments and these extra costs can be taken into account for the production of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Applications of Machiavelli Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Applications of Machiavelli - Term Paper Example In this paper, I will look at the application of Machiavelli philosophy into Macy’s and Apo’s Inc. Power as applied to Macy’s and Apo’s The corporate scandals are very common in modern business world. These scandals have aversely affected the business performance. The scandals have led to the loss of revenues and a negative impact on the economy in the long run. These effects can be ascribed to corporate irresponsibility among the leadership. The application of Machiavelli can be related to the current power tussles in the corporations. Corporate leaders can be related to the prince in the work of Machiavelli. Matters related to power have been a source of conflict among the leaders in corporations (Machiavelli, 44). The Machiavelli principles on power and leadership have been used in applying in exercising power by leaders in the corporate world. According to Machiavelli, one can work with moral means and only resort to immoral means when circumstances de mand so. This was evidenced in the recent legal tussle between the Macy’s and Apo’s inc. versus J.C Penny in the Martha Stewart courtroom tussle. In the case, Macy’s and Apo’s were in a legal tussle to fight over the right to control Martha Stewart. This was a battle of power in which the corporation wanted to retain the right to continue being the sole distributor of Martha Stewart. In this tussle, the struggle for power and dominance is evident. Each side wants to have the exclusive rights which would enable them have high sales (Machiavelli, 46). According to work by Machiavelli, the original Machiavelli ruler had to exercise virtu which meant that he was having inner strength, shrewdness and decisiveness. This could be used to gain power, glory, security and expansion. This is evident in the court tussles over dominance (Karen). Every corporation wants to have the power to dominate the other. This is mostly done through shrewd deals which gives exclus ive rights to an individual corporation. To be successful, one has to choose the Machiavellian virtuous life. Choosing the Machiavellian life comes with its won challenges related to corruption and power tussles. Liberty according to Machiavelli comes from adoption of the virtuous or the Machiavellians life by everyone (Machiavelli, 50). Corruption Corruption is always present in human beings according to Machiavelli. Self interest is always placed above the interest of public by the leaders. There have been cases of corruption that have been exposed in Macy’s and Apo’s. In the year 2012, corruption and unethical dealing was unearthed from the corporation’s documents. One of such cases is the fixing of their competitors in unethical means to gain competitive advantage. This was done when the company accused Goodfellas of selling counterfeit merchandise and goods stolen from Macy’s. The corporation even went a step further to make sure it severed Goodfella s market by informing the retailers who had their contracts that Goodfellas were selling counterfeits goods. This is not only unethical but unfair competition based on power and greed. The power was being abused by Macy’s and Apo’s against the citizens and their competitors. In some cases, the abuse of power is kept in secrecy, and only the corporation knows about it. In the case of Macy’s and Apo’s, they employed private investigators in order to frame Goodfellas (Association Of Truth). There were

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Experiential Leadership Essay Example for Free

Experiential Leadership Essay Executive Summary    The researchers’ aim is to point out to the effect of Experiential Leadership in the selected company liked Barras Home Improvements. Background:    The Progress Report Name of the Business Manager of Barras Home Improvement Company is Mike Allen. He supervised 16 employees. Eight of them were assigned in office and eight were outside in the field. Nature of business/service market Barras Home Improvements was formed in 1987. During the past year, the company has positioned itself as a leader in the sales and home improvement. Home Improvement is the field of expertise in fact customer can easily choose their desired lay out for their home improvement, guided by the advice support to meet the great improvement of the home. In addition, they are now celebrating a twenty years in service. Barras Home Improvements Company is classified as family Business. They have large selection of Kitchens, Bathrooms and Bedrooms gallery lay-out or so called showrooms. Their mission statements are choice and value for money, service and quality product, and first class workmanship. The purposed of the operation of the company is to provide customer with highest standards of quality and service. Their products are sinks, taps, wall and floor tiles, Amtico flooring and shower enclosures and etc. They are also specialised in the complete installation service covering every aspect from plumbing and electric’s, plastering and minor building work and tiling to maintenance free ceilings. Insurance work is also undertaken and a 12 month written guarantee is given on all our work. We are both CORGI and NIC EIC registered. They also have a promotion of  £50.00 deposit only for the customers instillation fee Customer scope and demographics The informational data that the company can offer to the customer is as follows: Local: This Company is situated at the top of Clay Lane, off Ball Hill Shopping Centre on the Walsgrave Road. M6 –   Heading South: Leave M6 at Junction 3. Follow A444 towards Coventry. Turn   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   left into Mercer Avenue and the showroom is at the top of this road, which is at   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     the junction of Clay Lane. M6 – Heading North: Leave M6 at Junction 2. Follow signs for the A4600 heading towards Coventry City centre. At Ball Hill shopping centre on the Walsgrave Road turn right into Clay Lane and our showroom is at the junction with Barras Green and Mercer Avenue.    Organizational Structure of the Barras Home Improvement Company Organization’s Workforce The Barras Home Improvement Company was subdivided into two groups of 8 in the office and 8 in the out field for installation and contractors. The people in office were responsible for customer service and do some paper works and entertain clients or customer. And in addition they lead the customer on the computer lay outing for the home improvement processing. Presentation Situation; The current situation of the organization is very exciting.   Recently, business has relocated to a larger and more efficient facility. This move will enable the company to streamline its method of operation and increase its bottom line. Market environment; The market place is undergoing tremendous technological change. New Technologies of Home improvement and materials are making products increasingly attractive stronger and less costly.   The business is poised now to take advantage of these changes, and expect to become an important supplier of home appliances and home improvement installation. Products and Services; The raw material and other home appliances that we are using were the latest awith high quality materials. This is primarily due to the strong influence of committed manufacturers and the demands of the appliances and raw materials. Gathering and Collection of Data: This investigation adopted the descriptive method of research as this is the appropriate way in evaluating the manager of the Barras Home Improvement Company in relation with his experience in Leadership Management style and behavior. This will be viewed from the responses of his 16 employees in the company. The descriptive method is also defined as studying components to serve as direction in reaching the goal. Its purpose is to tell what exist or what is about a certain business phenomenon, predicting and identifying relationships among and between the variables describe. The data and information was gathered through interview of some customers of Barras Home Improvement Company, employees and through internet the profile of the company has been gathered and studied.    Facts: The company is still a leading company in terms of home improvement because of the experienced manager of the company. The trend of the company was remarkably improving because of the good feedback and referral of the customer. They have the additional benefit of being able to provide a computer aided photo-realistic image that can even show the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom in the finish of their own choice. The Actual Report    Executive Summary    This paper studies the company named Barras Home Improvements (BHI). The purpose of this study is to evaluate effectiveness of the Experiential Leadership Manager to the Business Flows specifically in family business like BHI. This study was conducted to enlighten other businessmen in the market place to exercise Experiential Leadership Management. Background: Barras Home Improvements was formed in 1987. During the past year, the company has positioned itself as a leader in the sales and home improvement. Home Improvement is the field of expertise where a customer can easily choose their desired lay out for their home improvement, guided by the advice support to meet the great improvement of the home. In addition, they are now celebrating a twenty years in service. Barras Home Improvements Company is classified as family Business. They have large selection of Kitchens, Bathrooms and Bedrooms gallery lay-out or so called showrooms. The purpose of the operation of the company is to provide customers with highest standards of quality and service. Their mission statements are choice and value for money, service and quality product, and first class workmanship. Their products are sinks, taps, wall and floor tiles, Amtico flooring and shower enclosures and etc. They are also specialised in the complete installation service covering every aspect from plumbing and electric’s, plastering and minor building work and tiling to maintenance free ceilings. Insurance work is also undertaken and a 12 month written guarantee is given on all our work. They are both CORGI and NIC EIC registered. They also have a promotion of  £50.00 deposit only for the customer’s instillation fee Definition of the Problem       The objective goal of this research is to evaluate the strength and weaknesses of experiential leadership management in business. The Barras Home Improvement is the company that will be treated on this study. Initially, a simple random sample of 16 employees will be given a baseline test organized by the researcher. The results will be compiled for later comparison with the research results, and those initially tested will no longer take part in the study. Questionnaires are one of the most popular ways in which data may be collected. These are used for a range of purposes and will often be the tool used to collect quantitative data. But it is worth mentioning that although this may be classified as mostly a quantitative process of collecting data it may also be a qualitative method, depending on the number, depth and style of the questions. Research questions This study sought to evaluate the Business Manager of Barras Home Improvement Company. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions: How to determine the degree that the person like working with task and people? What is the Leadership dimension of the Business Manager of Barras Home Improvement Company possess? What practice of leadership style does the Business Manager of Barras Home Improvement Company have? Is there a significant effect on experiential leadership management to the Barras Home Improvements company employees?    HYPOTHESIS: Ho  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   :  Ã‚   There is no significant effect on experiential leadership management to the Barras Home Improvements employees.                      THEORETICAL Framework   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the theoretical framework adopted for this study may be reflected in this model below. Input  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Process  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   output    Figure1. This paradigm was used to determine the effect on experiential leadership in the Barras Home Improvements.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This model suggests that Leadership behavior and leadership style survey questionnaire may be anchored on the manager of Barras Home Improvement Company who is Mike Allen. The conceptualization of this study revolved around the notions clearly represented by this model. The paradigm of the study consists of the inputs that contain all those which have been studied in this research. The process consists of the survey questionnaires that were used to analysis the company data.   The output consists of the effects of Experiential Leadership Management to the company performance. Analysis of Variance was also used to treat the data statistically. Research design    Sample Size: All the employees were included in the sample and then the researcher calculated the weighted mean of the survey questionnaire to determine the effect of experiential leadership. Sample selection: Employees of Barras Home Improvements company were selected as sample selection of this study Instrument used: This study used a survey questionnaires of leadership behavior and leadership style    Editing of data: Standard editing and coding procedures with MS-EXCEL program. Analysis of data: Simple tabulation and cross-tabulation used. RESULTS: The following results were gathered and tabulated with the use of leadership survey questionnaire: This study reveals that the Manager of Barras Home Improvements Company has a characteristic of a Team leader. This is because the score 6.9 in the people section and a score of 7.3 in the task section revealed it. The quad where the two lines intersect is the leadership style in case of Team Leader quality. The manager used delegative and democratic leadership style. Sometimes he also used autocratic leadership style may be because it is necessary and it is revealed in the scores that 26 means being autocratic. This means that the style was used in some cases where the problem arises or decision making is required in the process for humanitarian sake. Conclusions: From the results of the experiential leadership management evaluation the following conclusions were drawn: The more experience the manager have the more effective and organized the business is. Experienced manager has more wisdom than an autocratic manager or even none experienced leader. Managers need to be team leaders for building much effective and successful business. A Team leader is the most ideal manager a company needs. Recommendation: This study suggests every businessman to undergo on the survey questionnaire to identify if their characteristics are autocratic, democratic or free reign. The new public relation officers must widen the scope and topics. Leadership Questionnaire Questionnaire Below is a list of statements about leadership behavior. Read each one carefully, then, using the following scale, decide the extent to which it actually applies to you. For best results, answer as truthfully as possible. Never  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sometimes  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Always  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   0  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5   _______ encourages team to participate when decision making time comes and also attempts to implement ideas and suggestions. _______ â€Å"Nothing is more important than accomplishing a goal or task†. _______ closely monitor the schedule to ensure a task or project will be completed in time. _______ enjoy coaching people on new tasks and procedures. _______ â€Å"The more challenging a task is, the more he enjoys it. _______ encourages employees to be creative about their job. _______ seeing a complex task through to completion, he ensures that every detail is accounted for. _______ found it easy to carry out several complicated tasks at the same time. _______ enjoy reading articles, books, and journals about training, leadership, and psychology; and then putting what have been read into action. _______ when correcting mistakes, he do not worry about jeopardizing relationships. _______ He manages time very efficiently. _______ He enjoys explaining the intricacies and details of a complex task or project to my employees. _______ breaking large projects into small manageable tasks is second nature to me. _______ nothing is more important to him than building a great team. _______ He enjoys analyzing problems. _______ He honors other peoples boundaries. _______ He Counsels his employees to improve their performance or behavior which is second nature to me. _______ He enjoyed reading articles, books, and trade journals about my profession; and then implemented the new procedures he learned.       Scoring Section Put your answers on the spaces provided for every question. PEOPLE TASK    Question 1.______   4.______   6.______   9.______   10.______   12.______   14.______   16.______   17.______   TOTAL ________ X 0.2 = ________    Question 2.______ 3.______   5.______   7.______   8.______   11.______   13.______   15.______   18.______   TOTAL ________ X 0.2 ________ Leadership Style Survey Directions: This questionnaire is about leadership style ideas. Please encircle any of the number provided for at right-end of each item/statement to express your honest judgment by using the following code: Category  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Weight Almost Always True   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5 Frequently True   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4 Occasionally True   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3 Seldom True   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2 Almost Never True   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1 1. I always retain the final decision making authority within my department or team. 5 4 3 2 1 2. I always try to include one or more employees in determining what to do and how to do it. However, I maintain the final decision making authority. 5 4 3 2 1 3. I and my employees always vote whenever a major decision has to be made. 5 4 3 2 1 4. I do not consider suggestions made by my employees as I do not have the time for them. 5 4 3 2 1 5. I ask for employee ideas and input on upcoming plans and projects. 5 4 3 2 1 6. For a major decision to pass in my department, it must have the approval of each employee or the majority. 5 4 3 2 1 7. I tell my employees what has to be done and how to do it. 5 4 3 2 1 8. When things go wrong and I need to create a strategy to keep a project or process running on schedule, I call a meeting to get my employees advice. 5 4 3 2 1 9. To get information out, I send it by email, memos, or voice mail; very rarely is a meeting called. My employees are then expected to act upon the information. 5 4 3 2 1 10. When someone makes a mistake, I tell them not to ever do that again and make a note of it. 5 4 3 2 1 11. I want to create an environment where the employees take ownership of the project. I allow them to participate in the decision making process. 5 4 3 2 1 12. I allow my employees to determine what needs to be done and how to do it. 5 4 3 2 1 13. New hires are not allowed to make any decisions unless it is approved by me first. 5 4 3 2 1 14. I ask employees for their vision of where they see their jobs going and then use their vision where appropriate. 5 4 3 2 1 15. My workers know more about their jobs than me, so I allow them to carry out the decisions to do their job. 5 4 3 2 1 16. When something goes wrong, I tell my employees that a procedure is not working correctly and I establish a new one. 5 4 3 2 1 17. I allow my employees to set priorities with my guidance. 5 4 3 2 1 18. I delegate tasks in order to implement a new procedure or process. 5 4 3 2 1 19. I closely monitor my employees to ensure they are performing correctly. 5 4 3 2 1 20. When there are differences in role expectations, I work with them to resolve the differences. 5 4 3 2 1 21. Each is responsible for defining their job. 5 4 3 2 1 22. I like the power that my leadership position holds over subordinates. 5 4 3 2 1 23. I like to use my leadership power to help subordinates grow. 5 4 3 2 1 24. I like to share my leadership power with my subordinates. 5 4 3 2 1 25. Employees must be directed or threatened with punishment in order to get them to achieve the organizational objectives. 5 4 3 2 1 26. Employees will exercise self-direction if they are committed to the objectives. 5 4 3 2 1 27. Employees have the right to determine their own organizational objectives. 5 4 3 2 1 28. Employees seek mainly security. 5 4 3 2 1 29. Employees know how to use creativity and ingenuity to solve organizational problems. 5 4 3 2 1 30. My employees can lead themselves just as well as I can. 5 4 3 2 1 Scoring Section Put your answers on the spaces provided for every questions. Item Score Item Score Item Score 1 ______ 2 ______ 3 ______ 4 ______ 5 ______ 6 ______ 7 ______ 8 ______ 9 ______ 10 ______ 11 ______ 12 ______ 13 ______ 14 ______ 15 ______ 16 ______ 17 ______ 18 ______ 19 ______ 20 ______ 21 ______ 22 ______ 23 ______ 24 ______ 25 ______ 26 ______ 27 ______ 28 ______ 29 ______ 30 ______ TOTAL _______ TOTAL ________ TOTAL ________ Authoritarian Style Participative Style Delegative Style (autocratic) (democratic) (free reign)                         References:    Covello, Joseph and Hazelgren, Brian, (1998). Your First Business Plan.Sourcesbooks 3rd Ed., Inc.USA Culp, C.(2001), The Risk Management Process: Business Strategy and Tactics, Wiley, New York, 60 -75. Gardner, Lawrence , (2006) Why businesses fail: and strategies for a successful turnaround, Detroiter, retrieved July 3, 2006, Kiyosaki, Robert T. and Lechter, Sharon L. (2002) Prophecy. Rich Dad’s.Warner Business Books, Inc. USA Spindler, A.,(1984) Publication Information: Book Title: The Politics of International Credit: Private Finance and Foreign Policy in Germany and Japan, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC., P. 37-50. Vlieghe, G.(2001) Corporate Liquidations in the United Kingdom, Bank of England Financial Stability Review Weygandt, Jerry J., Kieso, Donald E. and Kimmel Paul D. (1998) Financial Acounting, John Wiley and son Inc. Canada Yoder James, (2004) Time diversification and changing volatility in an options pricing framework, Journal of Academy of Business and Economics    Unpublished Book: No author, (2007) My firm, Business Resource Services, has developed a process that I call Profit Mastery.,   At the risky end of finance Credit derivatives, Economist

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Financial audit Essay Example for Free

Financial audit Essay A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A deficiency in design exists when (a) a control necessary to meet the control objective is missing, or (b) an existing control is not properly designed so that, even if the control operates as designed, the control objective would not be met. A deficiency in operation exists when a properly designed control does not operate as designed or when the person performing the control does not possess the necessary authority or competence to perform the control effectively. * Material weakness. A deficiency or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entitys financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. * Significant deficiency. A deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. AU-C Â §265 also claims that the auditor should communicate to management at an appropriate level of responsibility, on a timely basis. in writing, significant deficiencies and material weaknesses that the auditor has communicated or intends to communicate to those charged with governance, unless it would be inappropriate to communicate directly to management in the circumstances. * in writing or orally, other deficiencies in internal control identified during the audit that have not been communicated to management by other parties and that, in the auditors professional judgment, are of sufficient importance to merit managements attention. If other deficiencies in internal control are communicated orally, the auditor should document the communication.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Stem Cell Research

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Stem Cell Research Every year, curable diseases kill patients because of the lack of a clear path for research into the ways through which they could be cured. Stem cell research, although a form of research in its early steps of acceptance in an increasingly sensitive society, shows promise as being the form of scientific manipulation to provide the cure for disease. The current estimate is that stem cell research could solve the ailments of over 4.4 million patients in the USA alone. The sheer potential population size should be enough to convince any government as to the viability of stem cell research Scientists should be allowed and supported by law to carry out stem cell research. A stem cell is simply an undifferentiated cell. This means that it is a cell with no specific function in the body yet, which makes up the most useful of its characteristics because any stem cell has the potential to become any other type of cell. This happens in the early stages of growth and development. Later, the stem cells serve individual organs as in internal repair mechanisms with otherwise limitless differentiation throughout the organism s life. The other unique thing is that even as the stem cell divides, it has the genetic choice to stick as a stem cell or continue on to become a specific cell. They were first referred to as stem cells by Alexander maksmov, the Russian histologist in 1908 hematologic society congress in Berlin The difference between a stem cell and a differentiated cell is that they are unspecialized and have the capability to continually renew themselves by cell division. The second salient difference is that is the living organism is placed under contro lled experimental or physiologic conditions, stem cells can be induced to become either specific to tissue or organs. Actually, such differentiation is common in the gut and the bone marrow while in other organs such as the heart and the pancreases, they only divide under special conditions. Since the discovery of ways of deriving embryonic and non-embryonic stem cell types in animals and humans from mouse embryos in 1981, the development in tee type of cells used has been rather slow and based on the two. The method currently in use is a modified and more efficient one from the 1998 biological research milestone that launched the deriving and nurturing of stem cells. Most of the reasons for making this method were because the human embryonic stem cells specifically for the reproductive purposes as they were studied during in vitro fertilization. Another milestone was achieved in 2006 when researchers identified the specific conditions under which a specialized adult cell could be reprogrammed, in a genetic sense, to become a stem cell or appear to be one. This new cell is referred to as induced pluripotent stem cells, simply abbreviated as iPSCs. Stem Cell Mechanism and Uses The mechanism is very easy to understand, since the stem cell is placed in a cultured or living environment with specialized cells. These specialized cells could be muscle cells or skin cells which have a specific and known role in the body. They are obtained from any part of the body of a fetus, or from the bone marrow, brain and muscle of adults. They offer new potentials in the issue of cell-based therapies, otherwise referred to as reparative or regenerative medicine. Continued research advances knowledge on how healthy cells replace damaged one s in living organisms. This is vital in the potential cures for diabetes, heart disease and other forms of life threatening disease. IPSCs are already proving to be useful tolls for modeling of disuse and drug development, and scientists view them as potentially important in transplantation. This is because many of the ways currently in use are potentially cancer-causing or have the risk of other complications such as viral infections. Ne w research will aloe is vital for the development of identical matches to lower the risk of rejection and increase the number of viable organs Stem cell research is a potential ground for a lot of detailed research for the development of mankind. First, human embryonic stem cell research will potentially yield information into the complex processes that form the tissues and organs during human development. This will provide more information on why and how such genetic disorders as cancer and birth defects can be controlled. Secondly, the use of human stem cells in research on the effects of new drugs will lower the need for human test subjects. Human pluripotent cell lines are potentially very ideal for testing new medication in the safety of the laboratory. The complication here is that the conditions have to be completely identical if the intention is to compare several drugs. The hardest part of this process is controlling the extent and effect of cell differentiation. The potential for a more accurate process is there, but lack of enough knowledge in the real mechanisms of genetic switches and signals is hampering the process. Thirdly, the use of the stem cells in the new field of medicine called stem cell therapies is very arguably its greatest contribution to the advancement of mankind. The reason for this is that current forms of organ and tissue donation is inadequate in the supply link. This is very profound especially where the organ is single and vital. Stem cells, due to their regenerative nature, offer a potentially limitless source of transplant organs. Once directed into differentiation to become specific cell types, offering a possible cure for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, heart disease, burns, stroke, burns, Alzheimer s diseases, spinal cord injury and other complications. Other uses are the making of insulin to enhance the management of Type I diabetes. This could be used in transplantation therapies for diabetic persons sin ce the undifferentiated cells could be turned into insulin-prodding cells. The Stem cell controversy The use of embryonic stem cells has been the igniter of many controversies, ethical, legal and moral. The bone of contention is the real viability and need to use cells derived from embryos, and what effects such procedures have on their health and in vitro state. To mitigate this controversy and return to more objective research, the modern scientist has opted to use adult stem cells. This, however, has its own limitations since adult stem cells are found in fewer organs than are fetal tissue. Also, they do not have the complete genetic ability to generate into as much variant type of cells as would fetal stem cells in the same scenario. This is cause by the fact that they have a lower proliferative ability than embryonic stem cells. Simply put, the use of adult stem cells is hindered by the fact that they have a narrower avenue for their end product as compared to embryonic stem cells. The concern for the use of embryonic stem cell is whether it would potentially harm the fetus. This is because the body of the fetus needs the cells that are removed undifferentiated. Pro-life activists argue that it is inherently genetically killing or maiming the fetus, since the removal of undifferentiated stem cells is simply taking away the very cells that the body is made up of. Pro-stem cell researchers recognize the risk, but argue that it is not as bad as the pro-life activists would want to make it sound. The strong point is that the law should allow for written consent where rather than carry out termination of a pregnancy, the couple could make written consent to have the fetus donated for stem cell research. Alternatively, stem cell research has taken to growing the fetus ion the lab. The ova and sperm are obtained and combined in a laboratory; the embryo is nurtured and then implanted in the woman s womb. Since this is a normal procedure where the couple can not get a baby through normal means, the embryos left in the lab cannot be implanted too. They are therefore given the choice of freezing and storing them, or destroying them. Stem cell research offers a more useful alternative to this two since it gives the couple the choice to contribute to the medical research into cures for the human body. Pro-life activist argue that even at this embryonic stage, destroying the embryo is still a form of abortion. The fact of the matter is that the embryos are incapable of forming into a completely new organism or culture of embryonic stem cells that would, in theory, grow in the uterus. Given that most of this are moral inhibitions to stem cell research, the issue of whether t is right for the scientific world to sacrifice the lives of the embryos to aver countless others is worth it. The view that it is, in itself, a sacrifice of undeveloped life for the good of mankind by saving the life s of those with life threatening ailments. Legal Milestones The argument has become legal as in July 2001, President George W. Bush signed an executive order that limited total government funding for the existing stem cell research that use cells derived from already frozen stem cells, and completely ruled out any government funding for any new embryonic stem cell research. In 2007, President Bush had a change of mind and signed another executive order that increased funding for research into somatic stem cell differentiation. This modified form of stem cell research is where the mature of adult stem cells are derived and modified into the cell equivalent of an embryonic stem cell. This serves as the pacifier for stem cell research opponents although its scientific viability is in question. Scientism are still seeking to discover whether the somatic cells will have the same genetic condign as embryonic stem cell. As the war on the ethical basis and the legality rages on, somatic stem cell research could prove to be the clincher for the scient ific world to appease the ethical proponents without compromising the quality of the science. In 2009, President Obama signed an executive order that completely overturned the one Bush had signed in 2001, in effect restarting the government funding of embryonic stem cell research. The biggest recipient of this funding is the National Institute of Health which will get over ten billion dollars to run already existing programs and potentially, reignite the research into new embryonic stem cells. The Catholic Church, a prolific opponent of stem cell research, views this as a triumph of the political aspect over ethics and morality, but the gains that can be obtained from productive research are worth the risk. Conclusion Stem cell research offers a seemingly limitless source of cures for many of the diseases that are considered as life-threatening. The fact that it is carried out so meticulously suggests that one of the greatest issues hampering it are the lack of adequate government funding and ethical support. This coupled with a few technical and research oriented glitches mean that it is still not comprehensively documented. It is, however, impossible to ignore its potential uses and the effects on mankind. The fascination with rogation is as old as the human race, and stem cell research offers a way to turn the fantasy into a real scientific cure for disease. Cell therapy will be the future of curing disease since it offers more comprehensive ways for the therapist to detail and control the healing process of the patient. The issue of the life of the fetus can be solved by allowing for stored embryos to be used in stem cell research. It has not ethical basis to argue that it is a form of abortio n, since this embryos would still have been lost in the fertilization process. This is built on the fact that the meticulous process of fertilization dictates that only one embryo can be formed from an ova and a sperm. Many excesses are discarded by the body, and it is this portion that the scientific world seeks to use for the betterment of the human race. It is an unstoppable train, but there is need for consensus building to provide a supportive approach to save the lives of many people.

A Rose Or Marguerite By Any Other Name :: essays papers

A Rose Or Marguerite By Any Other Name So goes the quote by William Shakespeare, and many people believe this is true. However, to many of African-American descent, both past and present, to be â€Å"called out of your name†, is one of the greatest insults imaginable. â€Å"Mary,† a chapter from volume one, â€Å"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,† of Dr. Maya Angelou’s five-volume autobiography, details the horror and rage she felt, and the retribution she administered, at such an act.The year was 1938, and Dr. Angelou, then going by her birth name, Marguerite Johnson, was 10 years old and working as a maid & cook’s helper for a white woman named Mrs. Viola Cullinan, the daughter of wealthy Virginian parents. According to Miss Glory, the cook whose family had been slaves for the Cullinan’s, she had married beneath her to a man whose money â€Å"didn’t ‘mount to much†. Marguerite pitied Mrs. Cullinan because she was old, fat, and ugly and couldn’t ha ve children, though it was well known that her husband had two beautiful daughters by a colored lady. She tried to feel Mrs. Cullinan’s loneliness and pain, and tried very hard to make up for her barrenness by coming to work early and staying late. One evening Marguerite was asked to serve Mrs. Cullinan and her women friends their drinks on the closed-in porch. When asked her name, Mrs. Cullinan answers for her, â€Å"Her name’s Margaret.† A close pronunciation, but incorrect, nevertheless. Americans are particularly inept, I think, at pronouncing anything that has a foreign flair to it, or a foreign sound to it, and it's much easier for people to say â€Å"Margaret†, than â€Å"Marguerite†, or â€Å"Andrea† instead of â€Å"Andrà ©ica.† It is well known that the sweetest sound in any language is the sound of one's own name, so we don't take it mildly if somebody makes fun of our names or belittles us because of our name, or mispronounces our name. We proclaim ourselves with a name and we're very defensive about them, it is a major part of our identity. â€Å"Well, that may be, but the name’s too long. I’d never bother myself. I’d call her Mary if I was you,† said the speckle-face friend who had asked the question. The very next day, Mrs. Cullinan called Marguerite by the wrong name, and her dignity and pride, forged amid poverty and racism, became at stake.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Professional Sports - Athletes do Not Deserve What they are Paid :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Professional Athletes do Not Deserve What the Earn Wouldn't it be great to make 31.3 million dollars a year and an additional 47 million dollars in endorsements simply to play a game? Michael Jordan, along with many other professional athletes thinks so. In the 1996 season, playing 3,106 minutes Michael Jordan made 170,000 dollars a day, equaling out to be 160.97 dollars a second. Even more unbelievable are Mike Tyson's earnings in his match with Peter McNeeley. In a single second, he made 281,000 dollars ("Professional AthletesÉ"). Do these athletes really deserve all that money? "Professional athletes are making too much money in a society where salaries and wages are traditionally based on the value of ones work" ("Professional AthletesÉ"). In today's society, one will be paid more if their job is more economically important. However, teaching is one of the most economically important occupations because our future economy relies on the education of its youth, yet teachers are paid much less than the average professional athlete. The U.S President makes decisions that affect our economy and yet he only makes 250,000 dollars a year (Turner). Professional athletes do not play near as vital role in the economy as the president, but their salaries reflect otherwise. These games are supposed to be played for fun, not for millions of dollars. Opponents of this view say payment is being received for a service, therefore professional sports are a business. Many people believe athletes are being paid for little work, but in fact they work harder than any one else. Not only do they work during their particular season; they also work in the off season. Most professional athletes train on their own striving to become better. They also attend miniature camps and their seasonal training camps. These athletes work year round to earn their high salaries. Making it into the pros isn't an easy thing to do. It takes a tremendous number of hours of hard work and dedication every day to earn a job in professional sports. These athletes sometimes go through life threatening injuries for the love of the game. Considering this, one might think that these athletes do it for the love of the game not for the money. According to Gerald Sim, "The odds are higher for someone to become a brain surgeon than a NBA player, so isn't it more logical that the professional athlete get paid more than a brain surgeon?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Holocaust Survivors Essay -- Essays Papers

Holocaust Survivors Who survived the holocaust? What are their lives like today? What has been the government's response towards those who survived after World War II? Have the survivors kept their faith? How has the survivors next generation been affected? The survivors of the holocaust were deeply effected by the trauma they encountered. This unforgettable experience influenced their lives, those around them, and even their descendants. When the infamous Hitler began his reign in Germany in 1933, 530,000 Jews were settled in his land. In a matter of years the amount of Jews greatly decreased. After World War II, only 15,000 Jews remained. This small population of Jews was a result of inhumane killings and also the fleeing of Jews to surrounding nations for refuge. After the war, emaciated concentration camp inmates and slave laborers turned up in their previous homes.1 Those who had survived had escaped death from epidemics, starvation, sadistic camp guards, and mass murder plants. Others withstood racial persecution while hiding underground or living illegally under assumed identities and were now free to come forth. Among all the survivors, most wished not to return to Germany because the memories were too strong. Also, some become loyal to the new country they had entered. Others feared the Nazis would rise again to power, or that they would not be treated as an equal in their own land. There were a few, though, who felt a duty to return to their home land, Germany, to find closure and to face the reality of the recent years. 2 They felt they could not run anymore. Those survivors wanted to rejoin their national community, and show others who had persecuted them that they could succeed. In order to enco... ... 160. 8. Norbert Muhlen, The Survivors (New York: Crowell Company, 1962), 38-39. 9. Norbert Muhlen, The Survivors (New York: Crowell Company, 1962), 40-42. 10. Survivors of the Holocaust -Study Guide

Saturday, August 17, 2019

High class students most likely to be successful

Historically, societal categories are common social division in every exited society,Bespeaking assorted positions among its ain people. As for American society, harmonizing to Warner ( 1940s ) societal category is categorized into five groups such as upper category, upper in-between category, lower in-between category, upper lower category and lower category. There is, nevertheless, small uncertainty that affluent category has better resources and agencies to accomplish the coveted end. Students from better societal category must, hence, have better entree to instruction and have higher graduated table of accomplishment in school. Indeed, in order to derive better penetrations into the influence of societal category on school accomplishment, a proposed inquiry is set out on this intent.Learning installationsPart of larning installations is school uniforms. Bray and Seng ( 2005 ) do a clear comparing between affluent and unwealthy pupils, keeping that pupils from comfortable or mediu m-income household normally can afford two new apparels every twelvemonth, whereas pupils in hapless household normally have one uniform or none at all. Students from comfortable, accordingly, derive the upper manus in go toing the school than do the students from less comfortable household since most schools in Cambodia require pupils to have on school uniform to go to the category. Another portion of larning installations is learning stuffs. As Bray and Seng ( 2005 ) outlined in their book â€Å" Household Financing of Basic Education in Cambodia † , pupils spend big amount of money on larning stuffs such as notebooks, exercising books, and other supplies runing from pens, pencils, gum elastics, swayers and the similar. It is logical to reason that lone pupils from comfortable household can to the full afford to purchase such dearly-won stuffs ; hence, they are more likely to be successful than other pupils from less affluent household. Deriving entree to such dearly-won la rning stuffs, in add-on, is a beginning of motive for affluent pupils ; nevertheless, it is unfortunate for hapless students. Burt ( 1945 ) stresses the importance beginning of low motive from lower working category, who is, by tradition, outside educational system ( as cited in Lawton, 2001, P.7 ) . Harmonizing to Burt, if pupils from higher category might, though he did reference, have higher chance in wining in school than those from lower category.Auxiliary TutoringOut-of-school disbursal or auxiliary tutoring, significant private activity, is another major disbursal non merely in Cambodia but besides in other states. Tutoring in Cambodia is taught to pupils by their ain instructor and it take topographic point at pupil ‘s place, particularly at the terminal of the official school twenty-four hours. This pattern is a peculiarly critical point of family outgo ( Bray 1999b, 2003a ; Foondun 2002 ; Yoo 2002 ; Kwok 2004, as cited in Bary and Seng, PP. 11 and ADB 1996a & A ; Bra y 1999a, as cited in Bray, P. 47 ) . It can be inferred that merely more comfortable pupils can afford to engage coach for this out-of-school category. If they receive more excess categories, they would be better informed about their academic public presentation at school.ConveyanceKampuchean students throughout the state usage bike as their chief agencies of transit. Some kids walk to school while others are transported by their parents. Many students, nevertheless, start siting bike as they proceed from one category to another ( Bray and Seng, 2005 ) . Consequently, it might non be lucky for hapless pupils to afford bike. However, having bike, pupils must extra money for buying and keeping. Bray and Seng ( 2005 ) supply a clear evident. In Phnom Penh, students had to pay non merely for initial purchase and care of bikes but besides for day-to-day parking. In Bak Touk school, for illustration Grade 6 students had to pay an norm of 7,200 riels per annum for parking, and grade 9 students paid every bit much as 43,600 riels.DecisionThere is adequate apparent to reason that high category pupils are likely to be more successful in school. As mentioned earlier, larning installations play a critical function in kid ‘s accomplishment in school. As in Kampuchean context, pupils from lower category might non hold plenty resource to back up their acquisition stuffs, except high category pupils with sufficiency of resource. Rich pupils merely have adequate acquisition resource, but many of them besides can afford to hold auxiliary tutoring, doing them even better with their school academic public presentation. Transportation is besides accounted for pupils ‘ success in school. Affluent pupils have better agencies of transit to school, unlike less affluent pupils who have limited agencies to school.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Tax Memo

Facts Latrell accumulated frequent flyer miles from his business travel as a CPA in which his employer paid for the business trips, and he was not taxed on the travel reimbursement. He recently used his Delta Skymiles to purchase a free roundtrip airline ticket worth $1,200 to Milan, Italy. Issues Is an employee’s personal use of frequent flyer miles earned as a result of business travel taxable? Authorities IRC Sec. 62(a) IRS Announcement 2002-18 ConclusionNo, an employee’s personal use of frequent flyer miles earned as a result of business travel is not taxable. Because Latrell’s used his frequent flyer miles to purchase an airline ticket instead of redeeming his frequent flyer miles for cash, he does not need to include the value of the airline ticket in gross income. Analysis IRC Sec. 62(a) provides the deductions from gross income that are allowed for computing â€Å"adjusted gross income. † IRC Sec. 2(a)(1) states that gross income includes fringe be nefits such as frequent flyer miles accumulated from business travel. IRC Sec. 62(a)(2)(A) states that the reimbursed expenses of an employee related to his or her performance of services under a reimbursement or other expenses allowance arrangement with the employer are allowable deductions in addition to those allowed by IRC Sec. 161 through IRC Sec. 196. Since under IRC Sec. 62(a) frequent flyer miles are categorized as deductions to gross income, they are not taxable.IRS Announcement 2002-18 also states that frequent flyer miles or other in-kind promotional benefits, such as a free airline ticket, earned by the taxpayer’s business travel will not represent taxable income. However, this ruling applies only to in-kind benefits and not to benefits that have been liquidated or converted to cash. Therefore, since Latrell used his frequent flyer miles to purchase an airline ticket instead of redeeming his frequent flyer miles for cash, he does not need to include the value of t he airline ticket as taxable income.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Persuasive Fishing

General purpose: To Persuade Specific purpose: To persuade the audience to go fishing this summer. Central Idea: Fishing is fun and easy Pattern: Topical Pattern Introduction: I have been fishing for 10+ years and really enjoy it and would love to share this hobby of mine with others. Body: There are so many ways to fish and I would like to share with you some information on my favorite ways to fish. Bow fishing is my favorite way to catch fish and it begins around May when the temperature is constantly warm and last thru ought the summer.Some gear you will have to have is a bow a recurve or a compound it doesn’t matter but if you are not the best with a bow the best bow for you would be the compound because you have sights on the bow. A retriever reel and an arrow with any kind of tip will work. And the way the fish is swimming threw the water you must aim below where you see the fish at, it’s difficult at first but it gets easier. Cat fishing can be done anytime durin g the summer day or night.I prefer night time because there are less people fishing and the fish are more active. But the down side to fishing at night you must then bring a light or build a fire to see the end of your poles. The first thing you will need is a fishing pole with a heavy weight on the end of the fishing line with a treble hook around half a foot up from the weight you do this because cat fish usually stay toward the bottom of the lake or river.What I found works the best and smells the worst is punch bait and you push the treble hook down into the punch bait with a stick because if you get it on your hands they will stink for a while. And another good bait to catch the catfish with is chicken livers and they are a little more difficult to put on the hook. Conclusion: Fishing is a great and relaxing hobby to try out.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

China Inflation Essay

In recent years, China has met price of commodities rising quickly, inflation has affecting the overall economy. In this article, I will analyses last five years status of China inflation, explain the cause and effects, then base on the cause and effects, giving some solution to deal with the inflation. According to the definition of economics, inflation refers to the number of currency in circulation more than economic operation needed, and then cause currency devaluation and a persistently rising price level. In order to precisely explain inflation in China, I selected last five years inflation rate to analyze the overall condition about China inflation. Inflation rate, The following chart shows last five years inflation rate and trend of change. * In these chart, we can clearly see that, after 2008 years high inflation rate, inflation rate has fallen during the 5 years. But the size is not big. Since 2009, the inflation rate was going a new round of the rising trend. On the surface, china inflation is not so high, but some of the industry’s price rising greatly, such as agricultural products and real estate industry. And during last thirty years, overall commodity price in china has kept rising quickly. So China inflation is still a serious problem. The cause of China inflation Demand-pull inflation The inflation because of aggregate demand excessive increase is called demand-pull inflation. In order to deal with the financial crisis in 2008, to speed up the pace of economic growth in China, the central government carried out 4 trillion RMB investments and a series of stimulate measures to expand domestic demand. In China, the fixed assets investment increased 30 %( compared to 2008 )ï ¼Å'the amount of fixed assets investment is 22.46 trillion RMB in 2009( 65.9% in annual GDP ) and 27.81 trillion RMB in 2010( 69.8% in annual GDP ). Depends on the huge number of investment and loans, China economic recovered faster in the world, on the other hand some area assumes the extension expansion, break the balance of economic structure, has formed a serious pressure of inflation. Unhealthy investment is other problem in demand-pull inflation. Cost-push inflation 1. Employee wages rising Wage growth makes the production cost growth, on given price levels, the profit level of manufacturer will decrease, manufacturers willing and are able to supply the number of products will decrease, so that the aggregate supply curve shift to left, is caused the price level increase. In 2008 and 2009, the average worker real wages indexes increase from the previous year were 11% and 13%. Over the same period, the GDP growth rates were 9.6% and 9.2% respectively. Worker average wage index rising more than the GDP growth rate of the same period. Wage growth has led the production costs and the total price level increase. 2. Inflation triggered by the rising prices of raw materials In China, after the financial crisis of 2008, the huge investment in fixed assets need a great number of raw material such as steel, wood and cement to support it. The phenomenon of demand greater than supply causes the rising price of wood, cement and steel. That is the beginning of comprehensive price rising. Imported inflation In May 2011, the middle rate between RMB and us dollar break 6.5. China external dependence is relatively large, the decrease in us dollar will transfer the influence to China. Because persistently rising price of international bulk commodity, the biggest importer and trade processing section—china, has suffered huge pressure in cost growth. On the other hand, china is a biggest importer in oil, mineral, food. So when the price of these goods increase significantly, at the same time, through the imported channel affect the general price level in China, leading the imported inflation. In recent years, because of the good investment prospect and appreciation expectations of RMB, also result in a number of unknown money inflows to China, the hot money inflow to China will cause short-term speculation behavior in capital market and real estate market. In china, the regulation system in this area is not sufficient enough, supervision is relatively difficult, and also cause imported inflation in this reason. The effect of inflation in China (1) The influence on economic growth. 1.1 The error of resources guide. When inflation happened, because the destruct to the currency force the price system disorders, upset the market mechanism, to interfere with the market signals and make the transfer of market signal distortion, cause the allocation of resources disorders, reduce economic efficiency and economic instability. 1.2 Effect on labor force. Inflation caused part of the false demand, and disturbing prices and wages system, give the labor many wrong information, they were attracted in some temporary jobs. And once inflation over, or when it is no longer increased enough, these jobs will disappear, and will cause the new unemployment. 1.3 Affects China export product competitiveness. At present China employee’s wages in the big scale of rising, this year in the coastal areas, appear a shortage of 6 million migrant workers, and in coastal areas, average wage rise 15%-20% to rural migrant workers, and this already transfer from a manufacturing economy to a service industry quickly, and the present China industry majority is labor intensive, and also because the status of â€Å"world factory†, low labor costs is a advantage, low wages low price in accordance with China’s interests upgrade transformation haven’t succeeded, it’s to early into high wage upscale stage, the product export will not competitive, other Asian countries will replace the situation of china in market. Inflation will make higher labor costs; increase the difficulty to Chinese products export. 1.4 Brings huge uncertainty to investment and consumption. In inflation, a kind of commodity price increase is not the real increase due to market demand rising, and just because the speculative impulse or panic of consumers, producers about prices rise further caused. Because not every one of the producers can handle the overall market information, so this kind of speculation from the uncertainty and panic is likely to promote the further investment, at same time consumption has become more chaos. (2) The influence of the development of society Inflation influence on the society mainly displays in the national income redistribution, because it changed the income and wealth possession ratio of original members of the society. 2.1 Low-income families are the biggest victims of inflation. On the one hand, because food prices is the mainstay of this round of inflation, and the lower income families has higher Engel’s coefficient, the damage of food prices rising is deep. On the other hand, because low-income families’ consumption in the larger proportion in income holds, marginal propensity is large, is given priority to the necessities of life, this part of the consumer goods often lack of the price elasticity. So, low-income can’t through maintain and increase assets’ value to against inflation. 2.2 This round of inflation come with asset price (such as stock and property) expanded rapidly, and expand the income distribution gap, increase the unfair feeling to low-income people, at the same time, stimulates the enthusiasm to inhabitants of all kinds of assets investment, this investment enthusiasm lead asset prices to rise further, make capital market systemic risk are gathered together. 3.3 Inflation impact social member’s wealth possession ratio. In inflation, physical assets value added much higher than the rate of inflation, so holder can benefit. Conversely, inevitable damaged. If the holders hold deposit money, they suffered loss because of rising prices and decrease in currencies; if the holders hold securities, and then depend on rate between rising prices and stock price changes. Liabilities members of society reduce the actual debt burden. The government and the enterprise are in the net debt position, is beneficiaries in inflation. And residents in a net creditor position, inflation are victim in inflation. How to manage the inflation in China (1) Build a correct understanding of the essence of inflation; attach importance to the management of currency First of all, should control the issuance of the currency amount from the source, keep balance between money supply and economic development needs. For the currency issue institutions, regulating the procedures, shows the clear responsibility, avoid excessive issued. Second, the government should adopt agile monetary policy. According to the actual economic operation, make use monetary policy efficiently, and try to improve the purchasing power of the money, ease monetary inflation pressure. At the right time, raise the deposit reserve rate and raising interest rates, issue Treasury bonds, open market operations to control money supply amount. The purpose is keep the balance of aggregate supply and aggregate demand basically, maintain price stability and full employment. Since January 2010, China has continued to adjust deposit reserve rate in 12 times, percentage of large financial institutions increased to 21.5% from 15.50%, small and medium sized financial institutions has been increased to 18% from 13.50%. This activity shrunk the liquidity to a certain extent. (2) Establish corresponding early warning mechanism Direct response of inflation is the commodities prices continue to rise. The effect of the monetary policy exist certain hysteresis. If began implement monetary policy after the price rise sharply, it need a period of time to produce the result. That may ease economic fluctuations, but that may produce bad influence to the volatility of the economy too. As far as possible to avoid a control too much, or couldn’t control the situation. So, to the macroeconomic regulation, need to establish the corresponding early warning mechanism, it also requires money management authorities to improve the management level, avoid it before obvious inflation, they should take corresponding measures to avoid economic fluctuations. (3) Adjust foreign exchange policy and keep balance of international payments At present our country executes is mandatory settlement and sale of foreign exchange policy is restrictions. Because of the foreign exchange income of export enterprises must be sold to foreign exchange bank. If foreign exchange is constant, in a floating exchange rate, foreign exchange bank of sell excess foreign currency can lead to exchange rate fall. But China want to keep the stable of exchange rate, forced the central bank to buy a large foreign exchange, in order to maintain the stability of RMB exchange rate. This will form empty demand increase for foreign exchange, increase the investment of the monetary, the base currency produce the multiplier effect, which eventually led to the money supply increased. We can gradually allow Banks to foreign exchange transactions, let the foreign exchange market shunt RMB financing, establish foreign exchange reserve fund, carry out foreign exchange transaction. We can choose some management regulations of the financial management, sound enterprise, allowing him to open a foreign exchange account, to keep foreign exchange funds. keep the balance of international payments; change the trade surplus of excessive situation. By simplifying the import formalities and reduce tariffs, etc way, encourage imports, especially the raw material of the block of domestic scarce import, forming materials reserve, timely bring prices down. (1828 words) Reference Bregger J.E (2009) China Inflation rate’s chart. â€Å"National Bureau of Statistics of China†. From: 6 JULY IMF, China; International Monetary Fund China inflation rate’s chart (2012) from: 6 July 6, 2012 Historic inflation China – CPI inflation (2012) from : 6 JULY Jain T .R (2006) Microeconomics and Basic Mathematics. New Delhi: VK Publication, Jan 2001 Wang X.Q (2002) Population Dividend Effects and china’s economic growth. March 6 , 2009